A Collection of My Lockdown Writings
The MSM played a major role in goading the government into implementing anti-science, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authoritarian style lockdowns for a virus with a low mortality rate.
Lockdowns were spearheaded by the anti-Semitic, anti-West United Nations (UN), and its subsidiary, the World Health Organisation (WHO). Both are dominated by Iran and China.
It’s testament to the power of propaganda that so many people, including those who used to rail against politicians, the anti-Semitic BBC, Sky News and UN, blindly obeyed what has proved to be the death blow to Western civilisation: the destructive response to Covid-19.
Some of us tried to warn against the evils of lockdown, the barbaric treatment of children snd the elderly in the name of a bad flu virus,and how following the dictates of the CCP and the UN would be something the West would deeply regret.
Lockdowns are a brutal form of social engineering, the obliteration of Western economies and societies in the name of ‘the science’ has been horrifying to witness. So too has the subsequent rise in anti-Semitism, a troubling companion to all forms of social engineering, as history shows.
Finally, the government poodles that the MSM are, have awakened to the damage caused by anti-science, authoritarian lockdowns:
But it’s too late now. The damage is done. Those of us who warned about lockdowns faced abhorrent abuse and shunning. I was personally shocked by how many of my former allies in the fight against anti-Semitism turned so quickly on me when I began to protest the lockdowns, both in my writings and on social media, even when I tried to show them that following the dictates of the anti-Semitic UN was perhaps not such a great idea. I also attempted to point out that the social engineering projects like lockdowns would lead to an unprecedented rise in anti-Semitism, which it has. But few were listening, preferring instead to call me ‘dangerous’.
But this never deterred me from protesting what is essentially is part of a war on the West. I have complied a list of most of my writings on the evils of lockdowns, which explain in great detail all of my above points:
Thank you for reading!
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